Saturday 30 October 2010


Objective to look for colour but also to try to capture images which can
be used in next course " People and Places".

I saw this couple looking up at the base of the Eiffel Tower, I also noticed the man
approaching trying to sell his miniature towers. I think the concept of this image works
but I am disappointed as the sun was so bright the images seems to contrasty and the dark
shadow loose some of the detail.
f 14 1/80 sec

I noticed these ladies approaching with there contrasting fleece jackets on
I wanted to capture them as  colour accent as they passed for an potential image
for assignment 3 I have cropped some of the detail below which might be an used in the

f 4.5 1/160 sec

 Looking again at colour contrast and also composition and subject
as the first image I like the concept but the high sun has created deep shadows
which hide some of the detail

f8 1/125 sec

I am really pleased with this image of a human statue at the base of Montmare
I like the fact that the stairs and the statue are on a line of a third and I also like
the contrast of the green grass and the monotone steps

f 4.5 1/80 sec

A sunbather on a September day....

capturing the fun at the base of the Eiffel Tower.

f 4.5 1/30 sec.

Trying to  loose my inhibitions and actually feel comfortable taking photos of people.
I like the image of capturing the moment and the relationship of the painter and the subject

f 4.5 1/50 sec.

f 4.5 1/50 sec

f 4.2 1/160 sec

capturing an image of someone taking an image!

f 4.5 1/100 sec

I watched these tour guides for a while and waited for the "moment" to capture this
image. I like this composition.

f4.5 1/200 sec

A private moment on the arts bridge which is know to be the bridge of love in Paris

f 4.5  1/320 sec.

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