Monday, 6 December 2010




This image is an example showing contrast of colour, especially as they are primary colours
which sit opposite each other on the colour wheel.

f 4.5 1/8 sec ( hand held)

Taken at Camden Underground Tube Station, I focused on the sign and set the exposure level to ensure I could capture the writing sharply. I then waited for the train to arrive and then started shooting. I am really pleased with this image.


The above photograph shows the contrast between the colours on each separate building
again the colours are primary colours that oppose each other but what unifies this image is the
repetitive shapes of each window.

f6.3 1/60 sec

I was walking back to the station making my way home from a disappointing day shooting when I looked up and saw this derelict building and noticed the contrast immediately.Since taking this image the building has been knocked down


This very simple composition shows the contrast between then tonal terracotta walls and door frame
and the very bright blue window shutters.

f5 1/125 sec

Taken in the historic Spitifield area of London


This is a example of contrasting colours of red and blue.

This image is one of many that I took at the Pompidou centre in Paris. My ideal submission for
this assignment would be a combination of a few images to show the true spectrum of
opposing colours which make up this centre. I chose this particular image to show the human side of
such an industrial building

f4.5 1/50 sec ( hand held)



This image shows the accent colour of the red socks against the plain nearly colourless pavement

f5.6 1/30 sec

This image was taken by chance of some street performer on their break at the Santa Tecla festival
this summer.Ideally this colour accent would have worked better if the background would have been a bit more colourful. I have become a bit obsessed this summer of taking pictures of peoples colourful legs and socks. My ideal submission for this assignment would have been a composite of a few of these images.


A very true interpretation of the theme accent colour

f5.6 1/60 sec

I saw this image walking back to the train station after visiting Columbia Road Market.
A man was selling some old clothes and he had hung this coat against the fencing behind him. I felt quite moved taking this image as it was pretty obvious this man had nothing..I saw this coat as a photo opportunity and he saw this coat as maybe a way of making some extra money.


This image shows the accent colour of red against the white background of the men's trousers.

f16 1/250 sec

This image was taken at the festival of Santa Tecla this summer. The highlight of the fiesta is the
" castille" competition were groups compete to see who can build the highest and strongest people tower. This is a very old tradition and each team represents its own town and community. The colour bands represent that teams town, so not only is the colour a accent it is also a symbol of pride.


A different view point on colour accent. This stark high contrast image shows a Spanish
fan vendor taking a break in the midday sun. The colour accents of the red and mauve
highlight the simply shapes made by the subjects.

f14 1/250 sec

This image was taken at Park Guell in Barcelona, I had gone there to take photographs of the
high coloured Gaudi sculptures but saw this lady in her colourful outfit and spent a long time taking
different shots. I like the simple detail of the image and the deep shadow behind the lady which indicates that the sun is beating down over head, enhancing the fact that the subject is drinking.



A simple image showing the many tonal ranges of the hue green. This image is an example of
colour harmony.

f4.5 1/60 sec

I took this image at an ornamental pool near Liverpool Street station. It was an un planned image
as the subject was not really right for this assignment. It was not until I started taken the photograph to I noticed the tonal ranges and that the colours were harmonious. I changed my viewpoint to capture the reflection of the office block beside the pool. I think the shadow of the office block adds some depth to the photograph and also brings in some darker shades of green.  The light was very limited so I had to select a wider aperture. I would have preferred a smaller aperture to improve sharpness of the image


This image is an example of colour harmony. The blue bridge merges tonal with
the blue sky

f7 1/160 sec

I took this image when shooting assignment one. It was such a beautiful spring day and the sky was
cloud free. The blue bridge seemed to merge with the sky. I planned to shot the image diagonally to make a more dynamic composition. I like the various tones of blue on the bridge where the graffiti has been painted out which adds to the image. 


 This photograph shows the harmonious colours of a young tree against an ancient bridge in
 Hyde Park London.

f4.5 1/80 sec

I planned a trip to Hyde Park as it is close to my office. I saw the bridge in the distant and noticed that it was weathered. When I got closer I noticed the tree and how tonally they merged together. The lighting conditions were perfect as the cloud cover improved the saturation of the colours. I experimented with white balance levels and this image was taken with the white balance set to cloudy which is added more warmness to the image enhancing the overall tonal levels.


A example of colour linking by tone.

f 10 1/60 sec

This image was taken in Bricklane in London. I was attrached by the bright yellow colour but then noticed
that the bricks and sign behind the vending machine were also of a yellow tone. I think this image is also linked by shape as the square shape of the vending machine is repeated in the signs enhancing the composition. An unconventional image but I think it demonstrates how harmonious colour is not always found in natural things.



This image of a women looking out of her apartment has a limited colour
palette which is close to being harmonious but is injected with blues and greens
which complement the orange and yellow tones of the building and flags.

f5 1/500 sec

This image was taken at the Santa tecla festival this summer. Whilst others were taken images of the
parade passing I noticed that people were also watching from their apartments. I took this image for
the subject but I think the colour complements.


Capturing the afternoon shadows and colourful light. The reflections of the stained glass windows
complementing the dark stone walls of Notre Dame.

f5 1/30 sec iso 800 ( hand held)

The dark tones of the stone walls are covered with the primary hues of the light from the stained glass window to the top left of the image. The tones merge and complement  as they are of the same
level of intensity so do not overpower or stand out against each other.


An abandoned children's toy left in a dark basement of a block of flats. The brightly coloured
toy complements the grey/green tones of the floor and the dirty yellow walls of the basement.

f4.5 1/80 sec

I saw this image on the way to Columbia Road market. The bright coloured toy which  symbolises fun looked out of place in this grey dirty basement. The tones complement as the yellows merge and the greens are picked out by the grey green floors. I chose the view point of splitting the image in half by using the walls of the basement.


Autumnal leaves on a footpath in Little Venice. The Orange and green tones of the leaves complement
the dirty brown footpath and the dark blue canal.

f11 1/80 sec

Captured by chance on the banks of the Grand Union Canal. The image is linked by colour but also is mase up of dynamic shapes such as the diagonal river edge  and the triangular shape of the three leaves. This image is slightly under exposed which I think has helped improve the colour tones as it has muted the colours.

Overall I am pleased with this assignment. My biggest concern is that I have a shown similar colour palettes in the imagery. The accents is too red and the complementary is too yellow and orange tones.

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