Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Assigment 3 - Tiptric Images

Objective- To try to present images in a different way.

For assignment 3. I have been looking at composing images as tiptrics.

I pre planned these images when shooting. I assessed the location and realised that not only
was there a great pattern to these buildings but there was also a great contrast to their colour levels
which would make great tiptric images

I have never used photoshop before to produce these types of images and I am pleased
with the results

 I think this image works well for design, But I think the middle image
is not strong enough on colour to contrast the blue and red of the other images

I like this image but I am concerned that it is too fussy and misses the objective
of colour contrast. I think this shows the contrasting colours of the Pompidou centre
and its unique industrial design. I would ideally like to submit this composite images
to the contrast section of assignment 3.

I like the subject matter of this image, but think it is not strong enough to
submit for this assignment

showing the colours on the balconies in Tarragona

I think this tiptric works of the details of the hands

united by women on balcony

A collection of images taken over the summer of people
colourful legs and socks.

 My ideal submission for assignment 3 would to be submit this as maybe a three way image

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