Tuesday 17 August 2010


Four examples of diagonal lines in photographic composition.

This image was taken for the title pattern, but actually under neath
the repetitive pattern of chairs it is made up of repeated diagonals

This image was taken in the lake district in October, the colours of the land and trees were
amazing and the image has a slight diagonal lines where the wall and the fields cut across
each other.

This abstract image is off the windows of a new office block behind Tate modern.

I think the image could be improved if there was a bit more contrast in it to show the details more. This shot was take on a bright day which means some ares of the pictures are burnt out.

I have seen this image for a long time and have taken it several times. It only
now works as it was taken on a bright summer's day which meant that the front of
the steps were in complete shadow, enhancing this abstract compostion of the stairs
in front of St Paul's cathedral

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