Sunday 10 October 2010


objective- looking for images for Assignment 3
  • complementary colours( colours that face each other across the colour wheel
  • similar colours( those that are near each other)
  • colour accent
  • colour contrast

spitilfield market- small lily pond.
I like the green tones of the leaf and the also liked the reflections of the office block in the pool.
Un conventional placement of the leaf and flower in the top right hand corner but I wanted to capture the whole of the reflection
F4.5 1/60sec

captured this abstract image of some old doors on the way to the market
I liked the tonal blue colours of the door and the graffiti
f7 1/20 sec polarize filter

sunflower season. I tried to isolate the sign on a line of a third.
f4.5 1/50 sec

I noticed this child's toy in the basement of a tower block close to the flower market. I liked the contrast of the brightly coloured toy against the bleak grey, littered basement floor. Again I tried to place the subject on a line of the third. The car is alittle close to the top left hand corner as I tried to capture some of the rubbish in the foreground. I like this image for not only the contrast of the colours but the contrast of a bright fun object in a bleak and dirty environment.
f6.5 1/20 sec hand held

I repositioned myself so that I could capture some of the wall leading down to the basement and then also get in closer to the toy car. Again I like the contrast of colours and the fun toy contrast against the bleak wall and basement.

f4.5 1/80 sec

There was a stall selling lacquered coconut shells...this colourfull picture was a quick snap shot as the stall holder was not too pleased with me taking photos
f 4.5 1/160 sec

Around Bethnal green station there are lots of people selling there possessions for pennies.I felt alittle awkward taken photos of them, as it felt quite intrusive ( I will revisit to build up my courage). I did though notice the contrast of the hanging objects against the blue fences where they were hanging their items.

The resulting series of images.

f4 1/40 sec filter pola

f 6.5 1/40 sec pola

f 4.5 1/100 sec pola

f 5 1/50sec pola

I found these contrasting doors on the way home...

I think this image could have been improved if I had changed my position to look straight

on to the subject

f 4.5 1/70 sec


A good day photography, I think I need to maybe not use the filter on all of my shots at is means that I am using wider aperture and compromising sharpness over colour saturation.

revisit this location for people can places.

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